Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker
  • Romance
  • Tearjerker

50 First Kisses


Daisuke works as a tour guide in Hawaii, has difficulties having commitment issues in relationship. One day, he meets Rui at a café and instantly falls in love with her. Daisuke goes back to meet Rui at the same place following day, but she doesn't seem to remember him. It turns out Rui suffers from a short-term memory after a tragic car accident and her memory can last only for a day. Knowing the truth, Daisuke asks Rui to go out on a date every day...



Freelance programmer Sakagami is paralyzed in the lower half of his body and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in partnership with a law firm established by his late father. At the request of clients, Sakagami works together with a freelance jack-of-all-trades Mashiba to delete all unfavorable digital records of their clients left in their computers and smartphones after they die. They are not supposed to see inside the files but when they feel something strange in the client’s death, they cannot help getting involved.

  • Human
  • Action
  • Suspense
  • Fantasy
  • Human
  • Action
  • Suspense
  • Fantasy

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章

There’s something bizarre about this town...

Morioh, a picturesque seaside town.
In this deceptively peaceful-looking locale, strange deaths and other peculiar incidents begin occurring one after another...
Morioh is home to high school student Josuke Higashikata. Although he has the outward appearance of a delinquent, he is actually kind at heart. He possesses a special power called “Stand,” and his unique ability can heal the wounds of others and fix broken objects just by touching them. When he learns that the unsettling events happening around him are the handiwork of other stand users, Josuke rises up to protect his beloved town!

이 마을 뭔가 이상해
아름다운 해안가의 모리오마을.
평화롭게 보이는 이 마을에서 변사사건등 차츰 기묘한 사건이 일어나기 시작한다.
이 마을에 사는 고등학생 히가시카타 죠스케. 겉보기엔 불량스럽지만 마음씨 착한 성격의 소유자. 그는 스탠드라 불리는 특수능력을 가지고 있다. 죠스케의 스탠드는 만지기만 하면 타인의 상처나 부서진 것들을 고치는 것이다. 일련의 사건이 다른 스탠드를 사용하는 자들의 소행임을 알게 된 죠스케는 사랑하는 마을을 지키기 위해 일어선다.



  • Action
  • Mystery
  • Action
  • Mystery

Brave YOSHIHIKO Series

勇者義彥 系列劇

Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the great satan's castle (2011)
Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the demon's key (2012)
Brave "YOSHIHIKO" and the seven driven people (2016)

A village is plagued by a deadly, mysterious disease of which the only cure is a rare herb. However, the village hero who was sent to obtain the herb has not returned and a new hero must be chosen.
By a strange coincidence, Yoshihiko, the son of the missing hero is chosen and happens to leave on an adventure to save the village and find his Father.
Equipped with a legendary sword and accompanied by an oddball group of fellow adventurers, Yoshihiko sets out on this bizarre adventure.

-- Adventure has a mind of it's own --
This unconventional adventure story written by popular Japanese writer is entertaining and addictive!

勇者義彥與魔王城 (2011)
勇者義彥彥與惡靈之鑰 (2012)
勇者義彥與被引導的七人 (2016)

在寧靜的小村莊裏,一種怪病正在慢慢吞噬著村民們的生命。作為全村唯一能夠拔出 勇者之劍的青年義彥,前往未知的遠方尋找靈藥成為了他義不容辭的責任。靈藥很快 就被義彥找到,可是故事並沒有就此結束。佛祖顯靈賦予了義彥十分艱巨的任務—前往 魔王的根據地,打敗魔王。女刺客阿紫,法師美列布和劍士團丈接連加入了討伐魔王 的隊伍。一路上,勇士們披荊斬棘奮勇殺敵,遵循著佛祖的指使收集著力量強大的道 具,為最終之戰做著積極的準備。而現在魔王近在眼前,面對它的強大,這四個渺小 的人類真的能夠獲勝嗎?

在本系列劇的第2部中,距離魔王被義彥、團丈、美列布和阿紫一行人打敗後,已經過 去了百年,曾經的勇者們早已經化作了白骨,為了紀念他們的壯舉,村民們特地為他 們修繕了奢華的陵墓。好景不長,魔王的封印再度被解開,人間即將面臨毀滅的危機 ,可是村中卻再無能夠獨當一面的勇者站出來為民除害,無奈下,佛祖只得將英勇的 四人復活,命其再度踏上冒險的旅途。 好友相見固然高興,可是等級早已歸零的他們 能夠擔負起這艱巨的任務嗎?為了打敗魔王,義彥一行人必須找到傳說中的惡靈之匙 ,可是跟隨著佛祖模棱兩可的指引,他們似乎離真相越來越遠了。時間漸漸緊迫起來 ,真的能夠戰胜魔王嗎?

在本系列劇的第3部中,天空的魔王再度用黑暗把世界包圍。魔王有七個弱點,必須攻 擊它們才能打倒魔王,勇者義彥再次踏上旅程,要找出七位戰士,打倒魔王,讓世界 回歸和平,勇者義彥新的冒險,正式開始….